The Playground: Tales of Bastion Wiki

Summoning Magic is a school of heavily restricted sorcery. Its secrets are only known among the archons of the Church of Origins, as it is a most holy least as far as they are concerned. It is possible for a noninitiate to use a scroll or summoning circle, but it is highly dangerous to do so; even chosen acolytes of the faith have a hard time keeping their called beasts in check. Summoning magic conjures what are believed to be temporary creatures made of the "borrowed" essence of the High God (a distant and supreme god, more of a unity principle than a concrete god figure). Those creatures appear as beings of light taking vague animal or monstrous shape, sometime even strange, almost illogical shapes. Being near the summoned beasts is a distressing experience, at the same time awe-inspiring and dreadful. If looking close enough, one can even see stars in the beast's celestial body.
